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Talismanic Dream Towel for the Painter’s Life

2009; 16” x 39” panel, linen towels, beads, by Jenny Badger Sultan

Painting titled 'Talismanic Dream Towel for the Painter's Life', by Jenny Badger Sultan. Click to enlarge

The top comes from an image of Virgin Mary and the Burning Bush from the book, Icons from Sinai; the two crowned snakes are my own addition. 'Talismanic Dream Towel', top panel, painting by Jenny Badger Sultan.

beading on 'Talismanic Dream Towel', painting by Jenny Badger Sultan.

The dream towel is a re-creation of a dream (I can't find the text or date) which had to do with a towel that had paint stains and then had been embroidered with beads.

To act out the dream, I took one of my ancestral linen towels, tied it around my waist while painting and wiped my hands and brushes on it.

When it had gathered enough color, I added the beading.

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