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Snails on a String and the Hat Full of Skulls

Dreamed June 30 and September 18, l994; mixed media collage, 20 x 20", by Jenny Badger Sultan

Acrylic painting, 'Snails on a String and the Hat Full of Skulls', by Jenny Badger Sultan. Click to enlarge

June 30, l994

There is some kind of awful conflict going on--a religion that has come out of the East. Something about disarming and tying up two young men with long blondish hair, who are on the other side. But it doesn’t work, they are not secure. They are speaking to one another, giving cues for escape. I could stop them by clubbing them or killing them, but am reluctant to do so.

I think they get free and that as part of their side triumphing, a huge woven hat is brought in, filled with skulls. A young child (boy?) is associated with it. This is an example of the new religion. It is chilling.

Sept. 18, 1994

I am in a wild yard like my Mom’s back lot. I see a box-like structure at eye level near the swing (like an orange crate on a pole). In it there are snails doing various things---like hanging on twigs or crossing on pieces of string. I call to Kathy--”Come here, you must see this, ‘snails on string’.”

I become aware that there is an inordinate amount of snails in this yard. Something must be done so this can be a pleasant place to be, to play.

I imagine someone going around and crushing all the snails. That would leave a lot of squished snail. Maybe it would be better to gather the snails then take them somewhere else and squish them. I know I do not want to use poison--that would wreck the yard.

I also tell someone "It would be a good idea to plant a tree in this yard that would eventually get big and would be a good place for children to climb."

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