Box of Dreams:
My Design for the Inside of the Dome
Dreamed 2009/5/1 by Jenny Badger Sultan
THE DREAMNo one is paying attention to my design for the dome of a place like City Hall, so I decide to leave.
On the way out, I meet a woman who will actually be the one to make the choice and she seems very responsive to my design.
Being quiet and leaving the contentious competitive process actually leads to success.
--Jenny Badger Sultan
Notice that Jenny's dream-design doesn't just adapt to the round inner face of the dome, it shows it symbolically as Planet Earth: it's a web of life with different local orientations for each "continent"--note the upside-down kangaroos. Though you can also see it as the inside of Jenny Badger's skull--full of people and creatures. The mind as a dome!
There are, I suspect, local references too, conscious or unconscious; the dense interweaving and the colorscheme resemble a real mural near City Hall (at Franklin and Fell on the back of the old Board of Education building)--a huge, cluttered, ill-designed monster of a mural, limping where Jenny's design flows. Hers really is better than most Civic Center art!
Jenny sees the dream's advice as "aggressive self-promotion isn't the way,"--quite reasonable for an introverted Jungian who does hate the competitive process. But I see a second message. The dream's echoes of real, epic, mediocre public art also hint "The competition's not stiff. I can do better than that." And proving it by doing it.
How about it, Mr. Mayor? City Hall could use some fresh paint.